IDE at the 1st Greek-French Defense Innovation Symposium

IDE participated in the 1st Greek-French Defense Innovation Symposium organized by the Hellenic Center for Defense Innovation in collaboration with the General Directorate for Defense Investments and Armaments of the Hellenic Ministry of Defense (MoD), and the Defense Innovation...

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INTRACOM DEFENSE hosted the NOMAD 2nd Consortium Meeting

INTRACOM DEFENSE, as Leader of Work Package 5 (WP5) of the NOMAD (“NOvel energy storage technologies usable at MilitAry Deployments in forward operating bases”) EDF 2021 Project, had the honor and pleasure to host the 2nd Consortium Meeting of the project. The event organized with the support of ARPA as Project Coordinator, took place on September 11-12, 2024 at the Armed Forces Officers’ Club in Athens. The NOMAD project, currently in its 2nd year of execution, aims to study, design and demonstrate novel, safe and usable energy storage technologies for military deployments in forward operation bases and achieve validation in relevant environment. In this context, it aims to strengthen the competitiveness and autonomy of the EU Defense industry in energy storage and related technologies applied to forward operating bases.

The Opening Session featured speeches by Lieutenant Colonel Mr. Nikolaos Chrysopoulus, Hellenic Ministry of Defence; Mr. Theodoros Dionysopoulos Director, Hybrid Energy Systems, Intracom Defense; Ms. María Isabel Pérez-Cerda Herrero, Project Manager, Subdirectorate General for Planning, Technology and Innovation of the Spanish Ministry of Defence and Ms. Francisca Hernández, NOMAD Project Coordinator.

The consortium partners from 7 EU-member states (Spain, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, the Netherlands, Slovenia) and Norway, along with associated MoD representatives, reviewed and discussed the WP status in Day 1, focusing on the work accomplished to date, concluding on key aspects of specific deliverables, milestones and tasks, highlighting future activities and deliberating on specific task activities and technical issues.

In Day 2, the 2nd NOMAD Steering Committee and 2nd MoD Steering Committee meetings were held, followed by a Keynote Speech by the Technical Manager of the project, Mr. Eduardo Lopez from INTA. Mr. Lopez summarized the objectives achieved and those set for the next project period, highlighting the importance of adopting product development practices during design and prototyping of the technology building blocks and Functional Modules. Mr. Theodoros Dionysopoulos from IDE, making his closing remarks, addressed the evolving energy requirements of military users in the emerging battlespace, the necessity of industry to deliver advanced tactical power systems without impacting military capability, and highlighted the advances and gains of the NOMAD energy storage system within this context.

The Coordination Team of the NOMAD Project visited CEDEA

Last May 7th 2024, a meeting took place at the facilities of the Energy Laboratory of the “El Arenosillo” Experimentation Centre (CEDEA) of INTA, dependent on the Energy and Environment Area.

Representatives and researchers from IMDEA, INTA and ARPA participated in the meeting, taking the opportunity to visit the experimental facilities of the Laboratory used in the project, followed by a general visit to CEDEA.

Presentation of the NOMAD project at the DWT Conference Angewandte Forschung für Verteidigung und Sicherheit in Deutschland

At the DWT event “Applied Research for Defense and Security in Germany” from March 19 - 21, 2024, VINCORION presented the NOMAD funding project and highlighted its goals and influences in the field of energy storage.

The excellently organized and well-attended event is primarily aimed at members of science and research, the defence industry, the German armed forces, the civil service, ministries and parliaments in Germany. It serves as a neutral platform for open exchange and free dialogue across organizational boundaries and hierarchies.

Consultation   Forum  for Sustainable    Energy   in  the Defence and Security Sector

ARPA participated in this Forum held on 22-23 November 2023 in Málaga, Spain, hosted by the Spanish Ministry of Defense, presenting its Life Zero Energy Mod (ZEM) Project (the world’s first transportable living module under the Passivhaus standard, self-sufficient and zero-emission with green hydrogen support) and took the opportunity to give also visibility of the NOMAD Project through an informative poster.

X Edition of the National Congress of R&D in Defense and Security DESEi+d 2023

The X Edition of the National Congress of R&D in Defense and Security DESEi+d 2023 organised by the Spanish Ministry of Defense took place in Cartagena (Spain) from 14 to 16 November 2023.  It was a meeting point to present projects and research related to R&D in the field of defense and security.

Representatives from Coordination Team of the NOMAD Project (INTA, IMDEA and ARPA) attended.  A brief presentation concerning the NOMAD Project was made by Ms. Rosa Rengel (INTA).  The project raised a great interest among the congress attendees.  

The    NOMAD    Project    was presented in FEINDEF 2023 by ARPA

ARPA attended to the 8th edition of the International Defense and Security Exhibition (FEINDEF) held in Madrid (Spain) from 17 to 19 May 2023 which is one of the most important Defence exhibitions in Europe and has the institutional support of the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Defence, Interior, Universities and other governmental bodies.

ARPA placed an informative totem of the NOMAD project in its stand and informed about the project to everyone interested.

More than 25,000 people related to the Defence sector were reached. ARPA received visits from Spanish MoD and other international delegations from French and Estonian MoDs among others.

INTRACOM DEFENSE (IDE) presented the NOMAD Project in DEFEA 2023

IDE participated in the International Defence & Security Exhibition “DEFEA 2023”, held in Athens, Greece, on 9-11 of May 2023, under the auspices of the Ministry of National Defense.

IDE’s exhibition area was visited by the Minister of the Hellenic National Defense, Mr. Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos, Chiefs and delegations of the Armed Forces of the country, and international delegations from different nationalities.

In the frame of the exhibition, IDE presented the NOMAD Project together with other European Defense Research & Development projects in which it is also participating.


More than 60 persons attended the Kick-Off Meeting of NOMAD project held in Zaragoza, Spain, between 29th and 30th March 2023.

NOMAD KOM took place at ARPA’s facilities and at the Captaincy General of Aragón as a result of the collaboration of the Spanish Army.

The Opening Session featured speeches by Ms. Clara Arpa, ARPA CEO; the Project Manager, from Subdirectorate General for Planning, Technology and Innovation of the Spanish Ministry of Defence; and the Project Officer, from Directorate-General for Defence Industry and Space (DEFIS), European Commission.

Latter sessions were dedicated to the individual presentation of each partner, to the general presentation of the project carried out by Ms. Francisca Hernández from ARPA as NOMAD Project Coordinator, and to the presentation of the different Work Packages of the project by leading partners.

The two days KOM included networking activities among partners and relevant stakeholders as well as a guided tour to the city of Zaragoza.

Funded by the European Union | Project No.: 101103074. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Financiado por la Unión Europea | Proyecto Nº 101103074.  No obstante, los puntos de vista y opiniones expresados son los del autor(es) y no reflejan necesariamente los de la Unión Europea o de la Comisión Europea. Ni la Unión Europea ni la autoridad financiadora pueden considerarse responsables de los mismos.