— NOMAD Partners —


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ARPA, with more than 50 years of expertise, is leader in design and manufacturing of efficient and sustainable comprehensive solutions for food, logistics, accommodation, health, water, waste management, energy and telecommunications. It is specialized in mobile or semi-permanents hospitals and camps, special shelters or platform bodies, with a presence in more than 60 countries, with clients as the UN, NSPA/NATO or Ministries of Defence and technology companies.

One of its priorities is the transition to sustainability, linked to the company’s innovation priorities, being energy one of its main targets.

Contact data:  Commercial Department 


Role in the NOMAD Project

ARPA is the Coordinator of the project together with the Spanish Ministry of Defence, participates in its development and management and is one of the companies integrating one of the final systems. 

ARPA site in La Muela, Zaragoza

Social Media

CEA (Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique et aux Energies Alternatives) is a French Research and Technology Organisation focusing on low-carbon energies, defense and global security, information technologies, health technologies and fundamental research.

CEA is involved in the NOMAD project through its Liten institute, which is devoted to the development of innovative technologies for the energy transition. CEA-Liten has more than 200 industrial partners from a wide range of market segments: energy, transport, aerospace, construction, civil engineering, environmental, and IT industries.

Contact data: Pascal Newton, CEA/ DRT/DDSP/DPMA: 


Role in NOMAD Project

CEA is leading WP 3 – Technology analysis.

CEA will also contribute to activities in WP2-Military scenarios & requirements, WP4-Building Blocks architecture & design and WP6-Life cycle assessment.

CEA site in Grenoble

Social Media

The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, based in Germany, is the world’s leading applied research organization. By prioritizing key technologies for the future and commercializing its findings in business and industry, it plays a major role in the innovation process. A trendsetter in innovative developments and research excellence, it is helping shape our society and our future. Founded in 1949, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft currently operates 76 research units throughout Germany. Around 30,800 employees, predominantly scientists and engineers, work with an annual research budget of roughly €3.0 billion.

Contact data:  Fritz Wernicke – Fraunhofer ICT (Applied Electrochemistry)


Role in NOMAD Project

Fraunhofer INT: technological foresight analysis of emerging energy storage technologies

Fraunhofer ICT: practical experience in energy storage technologies (e.g. Li-ion batteries and fuel cells)

Fraunhofer IISB: system components of energy storage systems with focus on battery management systems.

Fraunhofer site

Social Media

IMDEA Energy was created by the Community of Madrid to promote energy-related R&D activities that contribute to addressing global challenges in energy sustainability. It is committed to the effective transfer of R&D results to the productive sector and aims to join efforts, both with other research centers and universities, to promote excellence in energy research. In 2020, IMDEA Energy was awarded with the accreditation as Unit of Excellence María de Maeztu by the National Agency of Research of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation as one of the best Spanish research centers.

Contact data: Jesús Palma / Electrochemical Processes Unit


Role in NOMAD Project

The main tasks to be performed by IMDEA Energy are to participate in the studies of storage technologies, to contribute in the design and testing some building blocks and to conduct sustainability assessments.

IMDEA site

Social Media

INTA (National Institute of Aerospace Technology) is a Public Research Organisation that depends on the Spanish Ministry of Defence. INTA specializes dually in technological research and development in Aeronautics, Aerospace, Hydrodynamics, Security and Defence technologies, including energy and environment aspects in these fields.

INTA is the technological centre for the Spanish Ministry of Defence, performing tests for checking and certifying materials, components, equipment, systems and subsystems.

INTA also provides technical advice and services to official entities and organisations, industrial and technological based companies, universities and other institutions.

Contact data: Eduardo López / Energy and Environment Area 


Role in NOMAD Project

INTA participates in the definition of requirements for NOMAD systems, the evaluation of KPIs and risk assessment, the evaluation of innovative battery and other energy storage technologies, the testing of the technology demonstrators, etc.

INTA web image

Social Media

INTRACOM DEFENSE (IDE) is a leading Defense Systems company, based in Greece, which designs, develops, and manufactures advanced products in the areas of Missile Electronics, Tactical IP Communications, C4I Systems, Surveillance, Hybrid Electric Power Systems, and Unmanned Systems. IDE participates in joint multinational development and production programs in co-operation with major international defense systems manufacturers and research organizations. The company invests annually a significant amount in Research and Technology programs to advance technological innovation.

Contact data: Nikolaos Kontis/ Programs Management Department


Role in NOMAD Project

IDE studies and designs critical modules and technology building blocks of the NOMAD system, in the areas of System Architecture, Li-Ion Battery System and Energy Management System; leads the work package “Technology Demonstration”, while IDE is responsible for a NOMAD Technology Demonstrator.

Military Energy Storage System 

Social Media

Smartis, a dynamic IT company expanding across the EMEA region, specializes in system integration, information security, digital transformation, and business process optimization. With offices in Slovenia and Croatia, along with a vast network of partners, Smartis is committed to delivering bespoke IT solutions through dedicated research and development. Recognized with numerous awards and certifications, and partnering with over 30 industry leaders, Smartis stands as the premier choice for IT needs, underscoring its commitment to technological advancement through active involvement in R&D projects.

Contact data:


Role in NOMAD Project

Smartis main activities are focused in designing and demonstrating energy functional modules and energy management system. Smartis will develop also an integrated digital twin approach for NOMAD ecosystem management – SmartTwin.

SMA Smart Twin LN

Social Media

QuinteQ Energy B.V. is a Dutch cleantech startup that markets the most advanced energy storage flywheel in the world. QuinteQ is a Dutch company, but the basis for this technology is rooted in the USA. The technology has been developed by the Boeing Company and QuinteQ has acquired the worldwide exclusive license through an industrial participation contract. QuinteQ launched itself in the Dutch market in 2019 and since then the company has been work hard with product development, financing and market development of all kinds of military and civilian applications of the flywheel.

Contact data: Paul Vosbeek / CEO and Founder


Role in NOMAD Project

QuinteQ is responsible for delivering flywheel energy storage systems, designed towards the optimal implementation and value-add of flywheels as an important component of the military microgrid storage solutions as developed under the NOMAD project.


Social Media

Skeleton Technologies is an EU leader in high-power energy storage systems in the industrial, transport, renewables, power grids and automotive sectors. Our products reduce CO2 emissions and facilitate the electrification of many industries around the world to fight climate change. Skeleton has patented material, called “Curved Graphene”, which gives an unprecedented power density advantage for our products, while not depending on critical rare raw materials, e.g. nickel or cobalt. Skeleton is the only battery technology company that develops and produces both its energy storage devices and its own raw material, thus directly and actively contributes to the EU’s independence and strategic autonomy.

Contact data: Siim Küünal


Role in NOMAD Project

Short term high-power storage system technology provider (super-capacitor system).

Skeleton Energy Storage System

Social Media

Skoon Energy is a leading software platform for clean mobile energy. It’s AI-driven marketplace connects users of traditional diesel generators with providers of clean energy systems for temporary applications such as construction sites, events, and film sets. Clean energy systems like mobile battery containers or hydrogen generators are supported by Skoon's software tools. Skoon's platform is positioned to provide flexibility to grid operators, to combat grid congestion and power outages.

Contact data: Ričardas Zaicas 


Role in NOMAD Project

Skoon Energy ensures operational efficiency, data analysis and safety in the NOMAD project. With expertise in battery and generator systems, our algorithms and hardware team validate building block performance. Our software team validates cybersecurity practices and system safety, offering insights for seamless system integration.

Skoon Marketplace - Clean Energy Rental Platform

Social Media

TECES is an internationally recognized leading Slovenian innovation cluster on green technologies and energy-efficient solutions. Its primary mission is to create synergies between its members and key stakeholders to foster R&D cooperation. As a cluster organisation, TECES develops and offers a variety of services to support its founders, members, and partners in solving global energy and environmental challenges. In 2020 the Slovenian Ministry of Defence (SiMoD) and TECES established the Slovenian Energy and Environment Partnership in Defence (SiEnE). The SiEnE provides a unique and comprehensive approach to civilian and defence stakeholder collaboration, jointly addressing green transition, energy and environmental challenges in the defence and security sector.

Contact data: 


Role in NOMAD Project

TECES with three subcontractors contributes to Military Scenarios, Requirements, Technology Analysis, Building Blocks Architecture and Exploitation aligned with interests of the Slovenian Ministry of Defence to develop energy-efficient storage solutions for deployable camps.

Social Media

Thales is a global technology leader with more than 77,000 employees on five continents. The Group is investing in digital and “deep tech” innovations – Big Data, artificial intelligence, connectivity, cybersecurity and quantum technology – to build a future we can all trust.

In the markets of defence and security, aerospace and space, digital identity and security, and transport, Thales provides solutions, services and products to help its customers – companies, organisations and governments – to carry out their critical missions.

Contact data: Juan Salinas / Project Management 


Role in NOMAD Project

Thales Spain will develop the Energy Management System (EMS). This software will be able to process and control the technologies that are part of NOMAD. The EMS will have state-of-the-art technology: web interface, AI, Cloud ready…

Thales Spain

Social Media

THALES is a world leader for mission critical information systems, addressing 5 main markets : Digital Identity and Security, Aerospace, Space, Ground transportation, Defence and Security. THALES employs more than 80.000 people worldwide (50 countries) and provides its customers with all the key functions in the critical information loop, from detection and processing to transmission and distribution. Thales develops its strategic capabilities in hardware, software and system engineering and architectures through its R&T organization.

Contact data: Gregory POGNON 


Role in NOMAD Project

THALES Research and Technology will bring its expertise regarding :

– hardware domain in the field of energy storage devices

– Software domain in the field of multicriteria analysis algorithms for optimization and decision making, and in the field of cybersecurity.

Thales France

Social Media

TNO connects people and knowledge to create innovations that boost the competitive strength of industry and the well-being of society in a sustainable way.TNO is an independent research organization and believes in the joint creation of economic and social value. Focus is on sustainability transition for different social themes.

From decades TNO has a strategic relationship with the Netherlands Ministry of Defense, in particular with the Directorate-General for Policy and the Defense Materiel Organization.

TNO has been recently involved in energy transition research projects also for the EDA.

Contact data: Federico Ribatti - TNO Powertrains 


Role in NOMAD Project

TNO will be collecting data over the energy storage technologies and leading their life cycle, socio-economic and sustainability assessments. TNO will support the design activities for the NOMAD Demo.


Social Media

VINCORION is a technology company that specializes in innovative power systems for safety-critical applications, including generators, electric motors & drives, gensets, power electronics and hybrid power systems. As part of it, VINCORION Power Systems develops and manufactures solutions for the generation, storage and conversion of electrical energy for customers with special requirements for use in the defense sectors. With more than 30 years of experience we have accumulated extensive knowledge in the development, testing, and maintenance of complex, high-performance power systems.

Contact data: Dr. Ing. Heiko Solmecke / Business Development & Sales 


Role in NOMAD Project

– Definition of system architecture, including power conversion and distribution building blocks in DC environments

– Responsibility for the commissioning , deployment and testing of NOMAD systems

Vincorion site

Social Media

Institute for Energy Technology (IFE) is an independent international research foundation located in Norway at Kjeller and in Halden. IFE is in the forefront of several fields within international energy research, safety, environmental-, petroleum- and nuclear technology. IFE develops new technological solutions for industry and public sector in more than 30 countries. IFE has a comprehensive activity in the field of nuclear medicine and the development of new radiopharmaceuticals. IFE is the host of the International OECD Halden Reactor Project. The number of employees is about 600 and the annual turnover is about NOK 1 billion.

Contact data: Carl Erik Lie Foss /Battery Department


Role in NOMAD Project

IFE will provide input to the use case of FOB with regards to the feasibility of renewable energy solutions and assist in the evaluation of energy storage building blocks. However, the main role of IFE will be to test the NOMAD (energy storage) system in a Nordic (cold) environment.

Battery Lab Mathisen

Social Media

EAS Batteries is a German niche supplier of cell and battery solutions. For 28 years, EAS stands for innovation – for highest safety, fast development times, flexible production, and a portfolio of extremely powerful and robust lithium-ion cells. With the Innovation Factory, EAS offers a pioneering service for large-format round cells and customer-specific battery solutions. This includes development as well as consulting, optimisation, and manufacturing services. In addition to defence, EAS has long-standing business relationships in the space, aerospace, NRMM, automotive and maritime industries. EAS is headquartered and manufactures in Nordhausen, Germany.

Contact data: Tortsen Thon / Project Manager


Role in NOMAD Project

Provide deep knowledge, understanding, development and system integration competence of lithium-ion battery & battery cell technology – particularly for demanding application requirements like high power capabilities.

EAS Laboratory

Social Media

F4STER – Future 4 was founded in 2020 with the aim of offering complex, interdisciplinary answers to challenges of global and economic sustainability through the company’s research and development activities related to mobility and energy. We have significant professional experience in developing and implementing comprehensive European projects. We operate in collaboration with European research organizations, laboratories, universities, distribution system operators, transmission system operators, public transport organizations and private companies.

Contact data: Mariann Bödönyi 


Role in NOMAD Project

Energy Management System: Definition of preliminary test protocols with special focus on integration and interoperability; digital twining, simulation and performance assessment.


Funded by the European Union | Project No.: 101103074. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Financiado por la Unión Europea | Proyecto Nº 101103074.  No obstante, los puntos de vista y opiniones expresados son los del autor(es) y no reflejan necesariamente los de la Unión Europea o de la Comisión Europea. Ni la Unión Europea ni la autoridad financiadora pueden considerarse responsables de los mismos.